HOW TO UNDERSTAND THE BEHAVIOR OF HUMAN ACCORDING TO PSYCHOLOGY. BEHAVIORISM: Many learning theories are based on behaviorism. Behaviorists think that all the things that people do, from acting to thinking and feeling, are behaviors. People learn as they are conditioned by experience. What a person is feeling or thinking is not as important as what a person doing. Biological make-up or person's background is not as important as the experiences a person has. Learning is understood as a change in behavior. Two important theorists who hold this perspective are watson and skinner. John Watson believed that things we can observe directly (stimuli and response, or S-R) should be the focus of study. Watson said that he could take any child and turn them into anything he wanted - from doctor to thief- if he had complete control over their environment. Watson's most famous experiment shows how he thought stimulus-response associations could be controlled. ...